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Terrific Quotes About Tweens

group of tween girls running on a grassy hill

These quotes about tweens range from inspirational tween parenting quotes to quotes about raising boys and quotes about raising girls.

Each of these tween parent quotes will inspire, encourage, or tell a story of what you want for your tween as he or she gets older. A few funny quotes about tweens are thrown in the group, too, just to give you a little laugh at the truth.

If you are raising a tween, you will be able to relate to these quotes about tweens. Each has a little truth to them, and all of them will touch you in some way.

Tween Parent Quotes

“I constantly go between wanting you to be my baby forever and being excited about all the amazing things you’ll do in this life.” – Unknown

“By loving them for more than their abilities we show our children that they are much more than the sum of their accomplishments.” – Eileen Kennedy-Moore

“So often, children are punished for being human. They are not allowed to have grumpy moods, bad days, disrespectful tones, or bad attitudes. Yet, we adults have them all the time. None of us are perfect. We must stop holding our children to a higher standard of perfection than we can attain ourselves.” – Rebecca Eanes

“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older, they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.”

Oscar Wilde

“Nothing is worse than having to wake up a tween to go somewhere early” – Unknown

“My kids are turning out just like me. Well played karma, well played.” – Unknown

“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older, they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” – Jodi Picoult

“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.”


“You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Adams

“Children really brighten up a household. They never turn the lights off.” – Ralph Bus

“Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.” – Carl Jung

“If your tween doesn’t roll their eyes at you at least once, you’re not doing it right.”


“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.” – Hodding Carter

“The most beautiful thing in the world is to see your children smiling and knowing that you’re the reason behind their smile.” – Unknown

“The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present, and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm, and courage of the young people.” – Kailash Satyarthi

“Even though your kids will consistently do the exact opposite of what you’re telling them to do, you have to keep loving them just as much.”

Bill Cosby

“Your children vividly remember every unkind thing you ever did to them, plus a few you really didn’t. – Mignon McLaughlin

“There really are places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.” – Anne Lamott

“The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside.” – Whitney Houston

“Children do well if they can, if they can’t we need to figure out why so we can help.”

Ross Greene

Quotes About Raising Boys

“You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.” – Wally Schirra

“I have a son, who is my heart. A wonderful young man, daring and loving and strong and kind.” – Maya Angelou

“Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he’s buying.” – Fran Lebowitz

“Raising boys has made me a more generous woman than I really am.”

Mary Kay Blakely

“Getting a tween to clean their room can be one of the biggest challenges we face.” – Unknown

“You are loved for the boy you are, the man you will become, and the precious son you will always be.” – Unknown

“Let your boys test their wings. They may not be eagles, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t soar free.” – C.J. Milbrandt

“You think they eat a lot when they are babies, just wait until they become tweens.”


“Raising boys is an extreme sport, that’s why I wear workout clothes every day.” – Unknown

“You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.” – Walter M. Schirra, Sr.

Quotes About Raising Girls

“Teach your daughters to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings.” – Melissa Marchonna

“I think the hardest thing for a mother is to make it possible for a child to be independent and at the same time let the child know how much you love her, how much you want to take care of her, and yet how truly essential it is for her to fly on her own.”

Madeline Albright

“Girls are the future mothers of our society, and it is important that we focus on their well-being.” – Miriam Makeba

“A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful memories of the present and the hope and promise of the future.” – Unknown

“We must teach our girls that if they speak their mind, they can create the world they want to see.” – Robyn Silverman

“A daughter will follow in her mom’s footsteps so make sure to set a good example”

Elizabeth George

“As for my girls, I’ll raise them to think they breathe fire.” – Jessica Kirkland

“In a world of flowers grown in pots, I’d like you girls to thrive in the wild.” – Jennifer Tindugan-Adoviso

“If I could give my daughter three things, it would be the confidence to always know her self-worth, the strength to chase her dreams, and the ability to know how deeply loved she is.” – Unknown

“Confidence gives your girl the ability to brush herself off and get back up after any setback.”

Sheryl Sandberg

You may also want to check out our inspirational quotes for tweens – these are ideal for your tween boys and girls to use in motivational posters or perhaps as journalling prompts.

Tween Parent | Family Lifestyle Blog

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